3 Ways To Improve Your Music Store’s Google Business Profile

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By Jack Barton

You probably already know that you need to boost your presence in search results. To most people, that means optimizing their website for SEO or paying for Google Ads.

But you could be missing out on a key source of traffic and revenue that’s completely free to use.

That source is your Google Business Profile. And there are some key things you should do to boost your business.

Google Business Profile logo

Why Your Google Business Profile Is a Big Deal

Your GBP is important for two reasons:

  1. It provides a complete snapshot of your business.
  2. It also boosts your company’s visibility in Google Search & Maps.

More often than not, that business profile is the very first thing people searching for your business will see. If your Google Business Profile sucks, it can be a liability.

Who Is Google Business Profile For?

If you run any sort of local business that meets face-to-face with its customers, then you need to pay attention to Google Business Profile. 

This includes any of these types of businesses:

  • Shops and stores
  • Restaurants
  • Health care services
  • Entertainment venues
  • Service-based businesses

If you have multiple locations or provide service to several areas, then its a good idea to have a profile for each one.

3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Optimize Your Google Business Profile

This is assuming you already have a Google Business Profile. If you haven’t created one yet, do it. Your losing out on customers and income.

1. Fill Out All the Information You Can

And I mean all of it.

Having a complete profile will boost your rankings in search results and make it easier to convert people into paying customers.

Here are the crucial things you need to have:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Phone Number
  • Hours
  • Website

If you only did those few things, you’re already beating most other small businesses in your area.

You’ll also want to set what category of business you’re in and additional subcategories.

There’s also a critical section called “from the business.” This is a description of your business that shows up further down in your profile. It’s a lot like the “About Us” page on your own website. It can give customers vital information about your organization.

2. Add Compelling Photos

Pictures can tell a lot about your business. The right pictures can be inviting and make people go, “Oh wow. I need to be there.”

Generic photos won’t do much for you. Bad photos can drive people away.

For example, I did a quick search for “optometrist near me” and found a couple of places that stuck out. These were the first images you’d see for each location:

Optometry Clinics

Based on these first images alone, which clinic would you want to get an eye exam at? The drab place on the left with the dead grass outside? Or the clinic on the right with warm colors and the big glasses display?

I think you know the answer.

Now, take a hard look at the pictures that show up on your business listing. Are those first images really going to entice people to visit you? Or did you let customers and “local guides” take crappy pictures for you?

Show off cool products and displays, or try posting images of happy customers and staff. Either way, try to display pictures that show your potential buyers what a good experience they’ll have.

3. Publish Updates, Products, and Events to Your Google Business Profile

One of GBP’s most under-utilized features is the ability to post updates directly from the page. These are essentially social media posts that show up in search results.

Posting updates is another great way of letting people know you have a pulse and that you’re not a dying company coasting on fumes.

There are other benefits to posting updates:

  • Regular posting tells Google that you’re a business worth promoting, boosting your rankings in search results.
  • Posts boost your visibility and give people more reasons to click and interact with your website.

You can also list your products and services on your profile, then link directly to those product pages on your website.

Products section of a Google Business Profile
Updating products in a Google Business Profile

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