6x Organic Traffic in One Year: Sherpas of Destiny

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By Jack Barton

During my time at Big Leap, I was one of the go-to writers for the website Sherpas of Destiny.

In one year, we increased their organic monthly traffic from 5K pageviews/month to 29K — that’s nearly 6x the amount of traffic!

We did this by optimizing existing pages for Google search traffic. We also created new and relevant content for their website.

(Note: Numbers and graphs presented in this case study are estimates according to Ahrefs data.)

What is Sherpas of Destiny?

Sherpas of Destiny is a boosting service for the competitive video game Destiny 2. Players can hire a professional gamer (aka “Sherpa”) to help them unlock weapons, gear, and achievements in the game.

Think of it like hiring a personal coach to help improve your golf skills.

It’s a shockingly competitive market, and Sherpa Gaming had a lot to overcome.

How it Works

It’s a lot like an e-commerce store. Users will sign in, choose a service, and provide necessary info to complete the task. After checkout, they’ll wait for a Sherpa to contact them for further details.

Once the Sherpa is ready, they’ll arrange for a time to join the player’s team. In some cases, they’ll even log in to the customer’s account and play the game on their behalf.

My Contributions to Sherpas of Destiny

Sherpas of Destiny was already a big site with lots of content. But it was messy and unoptimized.

Of course, our objective was to increase organic traffic and sales. We did this through two strategies:

  • Optimizing existing product pages for SEO and conversions.
  • Creating new articles and sales pages.

I started writing for them around August 2021. My personal contributions include updates to some main navigation pages, writing for their blog, and optimizing several product/service pages. Many of these pages now rank for their target keywords on the first page of Google.

Main Pages & Blog Posts

Product Pages

SEO Performance Results

Source: Ahrefs.

We’ve seen many positive results with both the homepage and the entire site. Here are some SEO wins:

Sherpas of Destiny Homepage:

  • Increased keyword rankings to 30+ in the top 3 search results
  • Increased total keyword rankings to 140+
  • Increased organic traffic from 500+ to 1000+ pageviews/month

Sherpas of Destiny (Entire Site)

  • Increased keyword rankings to 350+ in the top 3 search results
  • Increased total keyword rankings from 10.3K to 14.6K
  • Increased organic traffic from 5K to 29K pageviews/month

So in one year, we boosted their organic web traffic by six times!

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